With optical transmission via fiber optics, star-, bus- and ring-topologies are used.
Examples include work on wireless communications, multi-antenna systems, optical transmission, and digital watermarking.
The volume fraction of these microscopic pores had to be less than 1% for high-quality optical transmission.
Silica exhibits fairly good optical transmission over a wide range of wavelengths.
However, little work has focused on the "active" manipulation of the extraordinary optical transmission though it is essential to realize many applications.
It is the technical term for changing the shape of a mathematical function, an electrical signal, an optical transmission or a mechanical structure.
Evanescent wave coupling plays a major role in the theoretical explanation of extraordinary optical transmission.
The phenomenon, known as extraordinary optical transmission, involves surface plasmons.
Vargas by now had received the new message via radio at several frequencies and via optical transmission.
Hands up: who has heard of extraordinary optical transmission?