The prospect of such a conflict seemed much closer on Tuesday night, after the political opposition rejected a regionally brokered power-sharing plan.
The opposition promptly rejected the offer, with a spokesman calling it "an attempt to prolong the survival of regime".
He merely noted that the "opposition forces have rejected our proposals," and accused them of "taking an illogical, rigid stand."
The opposition rejected the maneuver and went ahead with the inaugural session as planned.
The opposition has rejected this formula, and set an ultimatum for the Government to step down or face strikes and demonstrations.
Commentators and the opposition rejected the decision as inconsistent and politically motivated.
The opposition rejected a unilateral amendment of the electoral law that reduced the number of votes per person from four to one.
Bulgaria's opposition today rejected a Communist offer to share power before the first free elections in more than four decades.
Sept. 17 - The opposition rejects the latest Government move; troops fire at demonstrators.
He claimed that a healthy opposition was necessary in a parliamentary democracy, and rejected offers to join the government.