For their part, many opposition deputies believed that Romanian communists needed to be scolded, not stamped out.
When opposition deputies tried to shout him down with cries of "Stop!"
Although the opposition deputies had doubts about the audit, the majority drove through the vote to accept it and declare the case closed.
When no arrests were made, journalists and opposition deputies in Parliament asked questions.
The opposition deputies left the chamber and did not participate in those votes.
But opposition deputies, who are a minority in Parliament, said they would refuse to send ministers to any government until their demands were met.
The Democratic opposition deputies claimed the concealment of another boat by the government officials.
An opposition deputy was hospitalized after he passed out during one of the most tense moments of the debate.
For the party, the plan to admit about 100 opposition deputies to Parliament is a considerable departure from past procedure.
Even opposition deputies were quick to say they saw no wrongdoing.