His subsequent entry into politics and now his decision to seek the presidency, he said, were never part of a plot, as the opposition charges.
Faced both with opposition charges of fraud and international observers' confirmations of irregularities, the electoral board announced a recount on Saturday.
A Government spokesman, Friedhelm Ost, denied opposition charges of a cover-up.
Lemos resigned on March 25, allegedly in indignation at the failure of Barco to defend him against opposition charges.
But Mr. Rabin's main message seemed directed toward the political center, and toward rebutting opposition charges that he was abandoning the Zionist dream.
The Government this morning called the opposition charges "completely groundless," and said that the soldier's death was the result of "an unfortunate accident."
If Mr. Chavez wins in a landslide, opposition charges of fraud will seem much less persuasive, they say.
The party later surrendered two of the six state governorships it won because of opposition charges of fraud.
They seem to be less concerned about opposition charges of hired crowds at ruling-party rallies and unfair television coverage on the Government network.
Along with officials of the Federal Electoral Institute and the PRI, they described the opposition charges as highly exaggerated.