He was a candidate in the 2006 presidential election, held May 3, which was greeted with an opposition boycott.
The councils are now dominated by the Jatiya Party because of the opposition boycott in 1985.
He cited the example of the opposition boycott of the 1996 parliamentary election, which he said was a mistake.
Advocates of an opposition boycott of the election were arrested.
Last year's legislative elections, faced with a threatened opposition boycott, never took place.
The party joined the opposition boycott of the 2011 election.
Fourteen parties or coalitions participated in the elections, but they were marked by a major opposition boycott.
Due to an opposition boycott, the governing National Front was the only party to contest the elections.
Sassou Nguesso easily won the election amidst an opposition boycott.
They combined this with the removal of their links to the security forces and army in order to prevent a threatened opposition boycott.