The suburb is named for the ferry that operated across the Heathcote River during the early period of settlement.
A branch in Cincinnati operated during the period of 1903 through 1915.
The Spenceville post office operated during the period of 1872 through 1932.
It operated during the period of 1936 to 1941.
This result suggests that the Westermarck effect operates during the period from birth to the age of six.
The single ferry carries up to 12 cars at a time, and operates during the ice-free period, generally from May to November.
While farming remained the principle occupation, trading vessels began operating out of the sheltered harbor during the colonial period.
These provinces were similar to the nine provinces operating during the colonial period.
The squadron operated divisions in three separate areas during the period of 1965 to 1970.
Eleven female-only schools also operated during the territorial period, but these focused on basic literacy and homemaking practices.