Eggs are laid on a flat open surface and taken in the parents' mouth.
It consists of a tube with three separate holes and an open surface.
The whole dining room was to be an open surface available for music, conversation, and dancing.
Even temperature variations are limited to the open surface and would not exist underground.
He loved the Moon, but it had tried to kill him: never again could he be wholly at ease out upon its open surface.
Clouds, mountains, even the flat, open surface of the City's roof - all seemed so different in the daylight.
The rooftop seemed clear as he emerged from the crawl way and began running across the open surface to his vehicle.
He made one last effort to fight back, to stroke to the open surface, but to no avail.
Dry lamb well with paper towels, and open flat on work surface.
Both reservoirs, with open surface, when built stored treated drinking water.