This can provide reasonable evidence that, at the simplest level, one-to-one correlations exist between signs and objects or simple needs.
"The fundamental fallacy here is that there is a one-to-one correlation between unfair trade practices and the elimination of bilateral trade imbalances," the official said.
Obviously it won't be a one-to-one correlation, but maybe they are pricing the services too cheaply to try and get companies on board?
- but as you may know there isn't any one-to-one correlation between time spent in ultradrive travel and distance covered.
"Now it's more of a one-to-one correlation," Mr. Adams said, " 'I have one number just for me.' "
Any interpretive attempt to judge or critique this 20th-century musical adventure through a facile one-to-one correlation between literary inspiration and musical result is an escape from confrontation with the music.
At the conference, evidence was provided of a one-to-one correlation between deer population and Lyme disease.
The game implements one-to-one correlation between your movement of the Wii controller and your character's sword on the screen.
Neither is the process a simplistic one-to-one correlation, but takes into consideration the totality of actions in the stream of consciousness through many lifetimes.
While body differences between men and women are due to differences in their chromosomes, no one-to-one correlation between genes and sexual orientation was found.