They are further divided into discreat endigamous clans, bases on territorial groupings.
One always hopes that a broad thematic museum survey like this one will not just focus on standard groupings but also shine light on the overlooked.
Politically, the "Caribbean" may be centred on socio-economic groupings found in the region.
The Patriots seem like the ideal team for the Jets to work on various defensive groupings and experiments.
High-level guidance (compare, compare with caution, etc.) on groupings of topics (characteristics).
In another series, Kolodziejski has focused on biological and scientific imagery, painting skeletal structures, preserved animals, and various cellular groupings, for example.
Two residents of the same neighborhood may describe different neighborhood boundaries, which could be based on ZIP codes, ethnic groupings, or simply personal opinion.
England has 36 Trusts, which are largely based on the old county boundaries or small groupings of such counties.
The North American Lutheran Church is divided into 20 mission districts, usually based on geographical groupings of congregations.
Having decided on groupings, a straightforward topic might be tried at first; I suggest tangrams, or the building of solid models, as a suitable exercise.