As of 31 March 2012, the bank had 173 overseas offices spread over 34 countries.
The headquarters are in United Kingdom, but the organization has offices widely spread around the world, in big cities of all the continents.
There's a reason we have offices and operations spread over the planet.
DialAmerica has 20 offices spread throughout the continental USA.
Reliance Broadcast Network has offices spread across 52 cities in India.
A total of 20 offices spread across 7 prefectures were reportedly searched.
Of its 1134 branches and offices spread throughout India, almost 475 are in Punjab state.
In Oslo, the company had its offices and workings spread around town.
The organization consists of a headquarters based in Bergen, seven regional offices and more than twenty local offices spread around the country.
"We find that several smaller offices spread throughout the borough serve our customers better than one office."