But he completely underestimated the need to offer provisions for Ulster concerns, a fatal misjudgement shared by most Nationalists and Republicans alike.
Involved fathers offer developmentally specific provisions to their sons and daughters throughout the life cycle and are impacted themselves by doing so.
Certain types of raised floors offer provisions for cable management.
Meanwhile, Torrijos lured foreign investment by offering tax incentives and provisions for the unlimited repatriation of capital.
The Jin army was widely applauded by the Chinese civilians, who offered food and provisions for the soldiers.
They offered sweet water and provisions and healings and virtues.
He offers them additional provisions in exchange for their service as mercenaries against incursions by Picts and Scots.
The Sub-Committee made some changes and offered substitute provisions in addition to new ones.
Last, but not least, the general regime does not offer provisions which are crucial in the car sector to ensure benefits for the consumer.
Within the framework of this cooperation, there are provisions for being able to offer subsidiary protection and provisions relating to the asylum procedure, reception and return.