He was thus charged with additional offenses related to weapons and drug possession.
Most of the women are locked up for offenses related to substance abuse or because they finally struck back at a batterer.
He was charged with several offenses related to this matter on October 28, 1993.
Mr. Prudente was convicted twice of offenses related to his impersonations.
On October 27, 2011, at least 11 New York police officers were charged with offenses related to ticket fixing.
Twelve people in Britain have since been charged with offenses related to terrorism.
In 2011, Witch was charged with multiple criminal offenses related to her position as a prison chaplain.
Throughout the event, a total of 152 arrests were made for offenses related to the convention.
He is charged with six criminal offenses related to the wreck of the 987-foot tanker.
On 27 September 2005, he was sentenced to eight months' imprisonment for offenses related to the Fiji coup of 2000.