Inanda was then hired by the Royal Navy for use as an ocean boarding vessel.
That's the basic idea behind a new ocean vessel called Freedom Ship.
A river-crossing not too far from the sea, a place where Indians were used to come, yet reachable by ocean vessels.
"And the first ocean vessels were driven by wind power."
Car-carrying ocean vessels have been built to hold up to 8,000- vehicles, although most are designed to transport between 4,000 and 5,000 vehicles.
I saw an ocean vessel drawn up on the shingle strand of Suthyfer's best anchorage.
Transportation, factories, crossroads, big ocean vessels: you never knew what would be hit or when.
The Scripps Institution owns a sea port and several open ocean vessels for marine research.
On the lookout for ocean vessels, it was his responsibility to determine the nationality of approaching ships.
A lake vessel has many more hatches than an ocean vessel of equal length.