If constructed, the container ship would become the largest seagoing vessel in the world.
After completing your continuation training you will be drafted to a seagoing vessel for up to two and a half years.
However, because of the long range of radio signals, a single international standard was needed, especially for seagoing vessels.
Nor were these objects like any seagoing vessels of my knowledge.
Tenar looked along the docks, but there was no other seagoing vessel.
Successful in its day, it suffered as the seagoing vessels were built larger and could no longer pass through.
Here were forged not only mighty seagoing vessels but even harder men.
When built, she was one of the largest seagoing vessels in the world.
We should be exercised about the seaworthiness of seagoing vessels.
Not really a seagoing vessel at all, but the Iranians have modified her heavily.
We didn't have enough ocean-going vessels in our own tanker fleet.
It is capable of building and repairing large ocean-going vessels.
Such a canal could be built large enough for recreational use and ocean-going vessels.
It was suggested in 1954 to establish a small dock, deep enough for large ocean-going vessels.
Engineering had finally killed all forward propulsion, so the ship was not even much of an ocean-going vessel.
Within a year, he had acquired several ocean-going vessels.
This allowed expansion of the shipyards to include contemporary ocean-going military vessels.
This is no different than how ocean-going vessels are chopped up and recycled.
In 1887, he built the first ocean-going vessel to use oil for fuel.
It is estimated that on an average day more than 3,000 species alone are in transit aboard ocean-going vessels.