This medication is used as part of a complete treatment program including non-drug therapies (e.g., rest, physical therapy) to treat active rheumatoid arthritis.
And Seligman, a pioneer in the field, has found that one of the most effective known non-drug therapies for depression is encouraging people to take small steps to exert control over their environments.
The study is not perfect, because it did not compare the experiences of patients who were treated with non-drug therapy or no therapy to those who took an antidepressant, Dr. Freedman said.
Keep track of: any non-drug therapies that you use to control the pain and whether they help.
This type of non-drug therapy to control tics is attractive because medications used to control Tourette's symptoms can be associated with negative side effects, the authors say.
The community has need for more neighbourhood clinics, non-drug respiratory therapy, clean air and water, and sheltered workshops, not for more hospital beds.
Anticholinergic drugs versus non-drug active therapies for overactive bladder syndrome in adults.
Here is an overview of medications and non-drug therapies used in treating migraines.
Claims that some doctors prescribe sleeping tablets when non-drug therapies could work better.
The aim of the experiment by the Philadelphia Association was to create a model for non-restraining, non-drug therapies for those people seriously affected by schizophrenia.