Following state law, the party Evans chaired nominated Evans and two other people to serve as mayor until the next general election.
And tonight I'm honored to announce that I am nominating him to serve as associate justice of the Supreme Court.
Cole nominated Tyler to serve as a congressional page for the summer session.
Each Council nominates one person to serve at the national level on one of the five main committees.
Four of five candidates nominated to serve on the panel withdrew after Mr. Meissner's challenges.
Whitman announced in December 1993 that she would nominate Hooks to serve as Secretary of State.
Because the Constitution sets no qualifications for service as a justice, a president may nominate anyone to serve, subject to Senate confirmation.
In 1996, the state Democratic party nominated him to serve as Speaker of the House for the 73rd legislature, a position which he won.
Kennedy nominated him to serve as Ambassador to Ireland in February 1961.
President Barack Obama nominated him to serve as Ambassador to Iraq in 2010.