The difference is used for the calculation of the noise disturbance as a function of time and frequency.
One light sceptic points out that flight times at Heathrow - and noise disturbance from early-morning flights - would be even more antisocial.
No person shall, on the Supreme Court grounds, create any noise disturbance.
Aircraft noise is major cause of noise disturbance to residents living near airports.
Slurry pipelines offer an economic advantage over railroad and much less noise disturbance to the environment, particularly when mines are in extremely remote areas.
They create the maximum amount of noise, dust, disturbance?
Other concerns include the threat of pollution, noise disturbance, danger from heavy lorries and the loss of environmental amenities.
On the other hand, unless the additive noise disturbance exceeds a certain threshold, the information contained in digital signals will remain intact.
In 1996, they won £1,000 compensation for "noise disturbance" caused by the operas.
It is best used in circumstances where noise disturbance might be an issue, Late at night for instance.