There are different myths and theories related to ca trù's conception.
It also contains the myths and legends related to the composition of these suktas.
There are various myths related to agriculture.
The ultimate source of the story is a myth related by the Greek writer Pausanias in his Guide to Greece.
All the myths related with the return of King Sebastian - a quite anchored Portuguese myth - were fairly treated in this song.
There are some myths and legends related to the place.
How could they be certain that Persephone had returned to the earth, as the myth related?
A few literary works of the 5th century mention the beast, though no myths related to it are currently known.
The book is a kind of "literary geography", because the book covers the history, ethnography, and myths related to the places.
Many of the incantations allude to myths related to the afterlife, including creation myths and the myth of Osiris.