And now those patient, somehow sad glances were multiplied beyond Rae's bearing at the landing.
The American economy wouldn't stand the shock if the Swift raids were multiplied to levels beyond the merely symbolic.
At the same time quasi-governmental agencies have multiplied beyond the reach of any effective control by representative politics.
"The assumptions introduced to explain a thing must not be multiplied beyond necessity."
These giant dustbins, some the size of a small garage, appear to have multiplied beyond count in recent years.
Assumptions introduced to explain a phenomenon should not be multiplied beyond necessity.
Gordon had always liked Occam's Razor: Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity.
Millions of big fat insects which have multiplied beyond all comprehension in this freak heatwave.
As a famous philosopher once said, 'entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity'.
It is my impression that the European Heritage Label represents an entity being multiplied beyond necessity.