Though it was not yet winter, the weather at those heights was freezingly cold, so Pompeius Rufus journeyed warmly inside a closed carpentum, and with sufficient luggage to fill a mule-drawn cart.
Several men, on their way to market with a mule-drawn cart, modeled head wear of the most baroque styling, an explosion of fur radiating a foot in every direction.
As sirens wailed and her motorcade sped through Gaza City, she saw through her tinted windows some of the challenges of life here: the mule-drawn carts, the sand-choked refugee camps, the shoeless children.
Who must have wondered, as they marched through the streets of New Orleans, which of their families would sit one day in the mule-drawn cart.
Without cracking a smile, Corinne led us around behind the hospital, where four mule-drawn carts were filled with khaki figures taking the siesta that never ends.
The painter does achieve in some darkly colored depictions of mule-drawn carts, peasants and horses an elegiac mood.
Clattering over the broken pavement came a mule-drawn cart, transporting a crateload of live chickens, dirty and squawkless.
At the most mundane level, the white, blue-eyed mare he had been loaned was afraid of mules and riding her close to the prisoner's mule-drawn carts took more than half his attention.
There was no laughter by the time they reached the gallows-a mule-drawn cart placed beneath the limbs of a huge live oak.
Bicycle riders and mule-drawn carts swerved around kids, stray dogs, and piles of debris.