United Nations scientists reported here today that a new, simple and relatively inexpensive drug treatment program can significantly reduce mother-to-infant transmission of the AIDS virus.
It's considered a sexually transmitted infection, although mother-to-infant transmission occurs during the birth process.
In Haiti, HIV is primarily transmitted through heterosexual contact, followed by mother-to-infant transmission.
The recommendations also follow widely publicized controversies involving United States-sponsored human trials of drugs aimed at stopping mother-to-infant transmission of H.I.V. in third world countries.
The move toward treatment began in 1994, with publication of a landmark study showing that the antiretroviral drug AZT sharply reduced mother-to-infant transmission, by as much as 70 percent.
It may help reduce mother-to-infant transmission of H.I.V. by enabling doctors to test pregnant women while they are in labor.
The overall risk for mother-to-infant transmission of HCV from a woman infected with HCV alone ranges from 4% to 10% (699,705--712).
Prospective study of mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis C virus.
A prospective study on mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis C virus.