It is only now beginning to administer a simple, cheap drug to prevent mother-to-child transmission.
It misses a critical point, however, in addressing mother-to-child transmission.
Cutting the rate of mother-to-child transmission is relatively easy, for example.
It has not accepted international offers of free or low-cost medication and runs only a few programs to cut mother-to-child transmission.
At the same time, mother-to-child transmission has also fallen dramatically - starting from just two hospitals in 2002.
More money has been spent in that area than on other prevention activities, including distribution of condoms and blocking mother-to-child transmission.
Cipla donates the drug used to prevent mother-to-child transmission in the government program.
"The president had a vision and he wanted to do something that went well beyond mother-to-child transmission."
Yet India is only now beginning pilot projects to cut mother-to-child transmission.
The viral load of an infected person is an important risk factor in both sexual and mother-to-child transmission.