There has been no legal, moral, or financial reckoning for the most powerful wrongdoers.
Any understanding by German industry that employed slave labor must first and foremost be a moral reckoning.
So it seems only fitting that as the year 2000 approaches that countries no less than people feel a need for a moral reckoning.
To the Editor: Dropping the charges against many of the protesters is but the first step in the more thorough moral reckoning that awaits us.
The moral reckoning here is tempered and merciful.
Establishing the condition of the offender (for example, whether he or she was sane at the time) is usually an integral part of our legal and moral reckoning.
But at its best, it is the eloquent, unforgettable tale of profound moral reckoning.
What are the roots of the spirit of moral reckoning that has swept Washington?
And "to accept responsibility for those attitudes, as a Christian, is to go much farther along the road of moral reckoning than I ever imagined I would have to."