The first of these attacks, having been mistakenly told the enemy had withdrawn from their objectives, met stiff resistance.
He walked a few paces, saw a body on the floor, and mistakenly told the police that the dog was dead.
In essence, an immigration official mistakenly told them to wait in the wrong line, and that line was 10 years long.
On the morning of April 18, 1983, a guard mistakenly told Jada' that Habib was in the embassy.
Later in life, she mistakenly tells this same story to her husband Joe.
His memory returns after Ayesha mistakenly tells him about the memories of him and Prachi which he has forgotten.
And the city's Parks Department, which is responsible for the trees, says it mistakenly told the owner she could do what she wished.
During reassignment, she asks about the baby she delivered, and the officer mistakenly tells her that her child is a male called number "36".
Last week I mistakenly told you that it would take place today, sorry.
But Haig makes a major grab for power and even mistakenly tells the public he is next in line for the presidency after the vice president.