Indonesian military abuses against women in East Timor were numerous and well-documented.
But the civilian Government has permitted court investigations of military abuses in an effort to discover what happened to opponents.
It is time for the military to unequivocally bar such officially sanctioned abuse of prisoners.
Military rather than civilian courts typically processed cases of military and police abuse (see section 1.
To the Editor: It is time to look at military abuses right under our noses as well as in other parts of the world.
Human rights groups have documented military abuses, including rapes, forced labor and the conscription of child soldiers.
In an attempt to discover what happened to political opponents, the Government has permitted court investigations of military abuses.
Drawing on their own experiences, both men say they cannot understand news reports of American military abuses of prisoners in Iraq.
Human rights groups contend that General Gallardo was jailed because he spoke out about military abuses.
Several reports have documented a systematic military abuse against medical staff.