"The biggest challenge for appropriators will be balancing the presidential budget promises with traditional Congressional priorities," the memorandum continued.
On the other hand," the memorandum continued, "we noted that the proposed allocation is lower than the total shares held by last year's Executive Committee.
"Execute the plan to withdraw 1,000 United States military personnel by the end of 1963," the memorandum continues.
The memorandum continues, "Being against existing laws or regulations has been translated as being against the environment."
"In fact," the memorandum continued, "I am not aware of any Soviet case we have left that is producing anything worthwhile."
"This court," the memorandum continues, "is presented with a historic opportunity: the chance to break the control of the Mafia over international drug trafficking."
The two women still had a useful career ahead of them, Nella's memorandum had continued, but "the old barnstorming days are over."
The memorandum continues, "Denying consumers the benefit of technologies that have already been developed and tested is perverse."
But, the memorandum continued, that bank still had "important interests in Germany, and should avoid friction and unpleasantness whenever possible."
"All they requested is that the lawyers, law professors and historians testify before the committee," the memorandum continued.