The Ethics Officer Association, a trade group in Belmont, Mass., says membership has soared to 706 today from 12 in 1992.
The local's membership has soared to 40,000 from 18,000 in the late 1980's, including a jump of 9,000 over the last two years.
The location and new facility was an immediate draw as membership soared to 405 in 1883.
Its postwar ascendancy, which saw membership soar to 710,000 by 1947, was a consequence of backing from Moscow.
The National Health Club Association says January is the month when memberships soar.
Out of the former PNI, Sukarno had taken up partindo, and within one year its membership soared to 20000.
After Fascism's accommodation of the political right, the Fascist movement's membership soared to approximately 250,000 by 1921.
The SNF's activities increased and membership soared.
Nonetheless, membership again soared, increasing as much as sixfold in as many years in some districts.
As a result of these legislative changes and 1199's vigorous organizing, the union's membership has soared to more than 210,000.