This aspect of marriage patterns has continued while the definitions of status have changed.
The geographical boundary of this unusual marriage pattern is now known as the Hajnal line.
Table 1 shows these changing marriage patterns between 1971 and 1989.
That there is nothing 'natural' about our marriage pattern or the role of women in society is clear from the sociological account.
But if marriage patterns were to be drastically altered, significant changes in the social structure would occur.
Our work concerns the startling differences between the marriage patterns of black and white women.
Any marriage pattern was treated as the private business of the partners in it, not something to be licensed by the community.
Women's physical experiences vary depending on external forces such as diet, marriage patterns, culture, and other aspects.
This suggests again the close connection between property regulations and marriage patterns.
Before the rise of the West European marriage pattern the aristocracy married earlier and therefore had more children than others.