Having confined the blast to the lower pit, The Shadow had gained moments that proved vital.
Sliding noise, broken by heavy thumps, proved that the wreckage from above was settling steadily into this lower pit.
The mace had a life of its own, an inner and foul energy spawned somewhere in the lowest pits of hell.
The Terran ran lightly down the narrow room to the second door, which gave on the lower pits beneath and the way to the arena.
And the demon who let them in is to be taken to the lowest pit and disassembled, is that clear?
Together, they sprawled across a low rail, down into a low pit outside a basement window.
The spy fled through the panel that led to the lower pit of the elevator shaft.
Ordinarily, nobody ventured into the reactor chamber itself, the lowest pit of Deep Space 9.
It turned out that the lower pit was the nonsmoking area and the upper tier was for smokers.
Surely, my mind shrieked, this was a demon from the lowest pits of hell.