The total loss related to the Enron fraud, which prosecutors and defense lawyers have agreed on, is under court seal.
However, the company sustained losses related to difficulties with chip supplies for the Black Watch.
The bank added $500 million to reserves already established for losses related to global and domestic market volatility.
But excluding a $45 million loss related to the strikes, Hughes's profits rose slightly.
However, a high loss related to a particular use of energy is to be included in that use.
Menopause may, in some women, bring about a sense of loss related to the end of fertility.
But analysts said the company would not try to evade questions about its potential losses related to Enron.
Grief can be also caused by a loss related to a normal, seemingly positive life change.
Other psychological factors can lead to the development of depression including personal and social losses related to the physical disabilities often caused by a stroke.
They may not tell others that they are grieving losses related to aging.