International week is another long-running tradition where several countries are observed in one week.
University cities, such as Gothenburg, Lund, Uppsala, and Linköping have long-running traditions of spex.
Mr Gonzalez abandoned another long-running tradition by which Argentine finance ministers unveil their measures in tedious explanations of elementary economics.
It also places the company firmly in the context of a long-running artistic tradition that no one talks about much anymore except in classrooms and museums: Cubism.
A long-running tradition in various cultures, and especially in the media, involves various spokespersons making predictions for the upcoming year at the beginning of the year.
Taradale High School has a long-running tradition of having student leaders to help with tasks and leadership roles around the school.
Loomis and Kent School have a long-running athletic tradition.
The label began what would become a long-running tradition of promoting both themselves and their signed acts on the Warped Tour in Summer 2004.
The long-running tradition of Spring Sing-a musical production exclusively run by students-is a yearly highlight, and often draws the participation of over 100 girls from each class.
After a long-running tradition of being an all-boys school, girls were first admitted in 1982.