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In other words, now is not the time to take up long-distance running.
But they said it should be considered when the issue is long-distance running.
As he later wrote, his sports experiences in long-distance running were a great help.
Girls' long-distance running may not quite be the stuff of sports headlines.
The television story changed the way Americans viewed the sport of long-distance running.
After the 1968 season Väätäinen decided to focus on long-distance running.
For Kenyan children, we are shown, long-distance running is a natural part of life.
He has maintained an interest in sports and enjoys long-distance running.
The boy turns to long-distance running as a method of both an emotional and a physical escape from his situation.
She added that the company had recently produced a version suitable for long-distance running.
The British were the leading force in the long-distance running in early 1900s.
It was when she left him, he said, that he took up long-distance running.
I think long-distance running requires that same sort of persistence."
Mikitenko began participating in long-distance running at the age of 14.
Some of her hobbies include tennis, long-distance running and theatre.
Her potential for long-distance running was identified when she was at primary school.
By that, he meant how hard he could push himself in long-distance running.
Indeed, his most passionate hobby, long-distance running, is a lonely one.
She would later give up sprints for long-distance running, finding success in cross-country.
"Women used to be into long-distance running and walking.
I began long-distance running as a freshman at Columbia College in 1968.
The training of long-distance running gives Smith the ability to share his political insights with his readers.
He had a continuing interest in long-distance running.
Mr. Chinmoy used to use long-distance running to demonstrate this effect.
She soon acquired a taste for long-distance running.