Even so, the wealth of detail appeared unlikely to budge the two corporate adversaries in their long-running struggle.
The debate over Stalin also reveals resentments that linger from a long-running struggle to shape the record of Russian history.
That technical triumph gave Ball a brief respite from a long-running struggle over how to refocus itself.
The judge's decision was a step in a long-running struggle between environmentalists and the federal government over the harm done to salmon by the dams.
And in Vladivostok, the conditions are worsened by a long-running political struggle between the local governor and those in Moscow who aggressively oppose him.
These new realities are also changing the political equation that has governed the long-running struggle over Yellowstone's future.
The election of a new Parliament this month could prove a pivotal event in that long-running struggle.
IN Detroit's long-running struggle for one-upmanship, the Big Three take their victories wherever they can get them.
In one sense, the schoolgirls have become pawns in a long-running struggle for supremacy over the rough concrete streets of North Belfast.
In his time as bishop, a long-running struggle by the city of Salisbury for its charter was resolved, in 1612.