Now, a long-running lawsuit filed by Turkey against Mr. Koch and his associates in the coin venture is about to go to trial.
Ariste runs in Scene 4 with a shocking announcement; a decision has just been handed down in a long-running lawsuit that means the family is now ruined financially.
As in so many long-running lawsuits affecting housing, the decision comes at a time when housing circumstances are far different from what they were when the suit was initiated.
Construction has been delayed by a long-running environmental lawsuit concerning the cleanup of gases emitted at the former industrial site.
The following year property owners and the corps, the state and the county reached a settlement in the owners' long-running federal lawsuit.
But this sunny vision of racial harmony glosses over the more painful effects of a long-running federal lawsuit against the school system, the state's fourth largest.
The last decade of his life was much troubled by a long-running lawsuit brought against him by his cousin Lettice and her husband.
Merck & Company yesterday agreed to pay $42.5 million to settle long-running class-action lawsuits against its pharmacy-benefit unit, Medco Health Solutions.
Civil-rights activists complained, but the city authorities, beyond getting caught up in some long-running lawsuits, didn't suffer any negative consequences.
Perhaps distracted by a long-running antitrust lawsuit, however, it completely missed the fast-growing minicomputer market during the 1970s.