She'd always make me wait, with the long-distance charges adding up, while she went and got her teeth.
Players reportedly ran up $50,000 in long-distance charges on university credit cards in one 18-month period.
Customers will also receive 10 percent discounts on long-distance charges totaling $120 or more a year.
The unkindest cost of all is the long-distance charges spent for waiting on line to talk with technical support.
Earlier this year, several hundred families here began receiving monthly phone bills including hundreds of dollars in long-distance charges.
The reduction would save customers more than $533 million a year, or about 8 cents on the average monthly residential long-distance charge of $8.60.
Since they talk over the Internet, they save on long-distance charges.
I let my eye drift down the column of toll calls and long-distance charges for March.
But subscribers will still have to pay long-distance charges on top of the cost of the cellular calls.
Some would involve long-distance charges, but he could afford the toll.