The river is popular among local anglers, especially in late Autumn.
As the level of use rose sharply in the late 1990s, local anglers found they were being displaced by professional guides and outfitters.
They are frequently dug by local anglers and used as bait for bass fishing.
Their common names vary greatly depending on the country, region, stage of development and local anglers.
Three local anglers had been watching the pantomime with great enjoyment, and I have yet to live it down.
A local angler seated on the bank 30 yards away had observed both raises.
The carp pond is well known spot for local anglers.
There is also a large pond and nature trail, which is popular with local anglers.
The September run is favored by local anglers due to the larger size of the silver salmon.
Several large reservoirs can be found to the east and until recently these were used extensively by local anglers.