Lincoln is the biggest savings and loan failure to date, estimated to cost some $2 billion.
The market is depressed in some areas, and the assets released by savings and loan failures has exacerbated the situation.
Lincoln is perhaps the most expensive savings and loan failure to date, costing the Government more than $2 billion.
Regulators have described the collapse of the institution, which had $5.4 billion in assets, as the costliest savings and loan failure yet.
After the savings and loan failure, he was found to be suffering from manic depression.
As a result, changes in the overall economy and unforeseen costs like the savings and loan failures touched off crises almost annually.
When Lincoln was seized last year, it was reported to have losses approaching $2.5 billion, one of the costliest savings and loan failures on record.
The takeover of Lincoln, the most notorious of the savings and loan failures, has cost the Government $2 billion.
USAT became the fifth largest savings and loan failure at a cost to the public of $1.6 billion.
"We have had no savings and loan failures in Delaware," he said.