The virtual absence of tsetse flies in the region has led, moreover, to increased livestock raising as a major occupation in the north.
The agricultural sector includes livestock raising such as cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, horses, domestic fowl, rabbits and bees.
Animal welfare groups generally seek to generate public discussion on livestock raising practices and secure greater regulation and scrutiny of livestock industry practices.
Cattle, goat and chicken are the main livestock raising here.
By 1861 Workman was engaged predominately in livestock raising with 3,000 head of cattle and 600 horses.
The city is an important agricultural and livestock raising center as well as a transportation hub for small jungle communities to the east.
The community are mainly small and medium sized farmers, with livestock raising as an important subsidiary occupation.
The locals also engage in livestock raising for local consumption, and small-scale shipbuilding of wooden boats and launches.
A whealty landowner that pioneered Holstein livestock raising in Ecuador.
Looking east toward eastern Oregon with its great livestock raising areas, these visitors are going to visualize the relationship between the cattle ranches and the summer ranges in the forests.
Now livestock raising is the strong point of the local economy.
Livestock raising is also a major business in the valley.
Instead, crop cultivation and livestock raising dominated the economy, especially in the Sierra.
Side by side with agriculture, fishing and livestock raising constitutes major economic activities.
Livestock raising is the most important agricultural activity; poor soils limit the islands' ability to meet domestic food requirements.
Livestock raising remains the main economic activity and there is also some fishing and arable farming.
Orcharding, sericulture, and livestock raising are also carried out.
Livestock raising is another important economic sector, and Yaoundé is a major market for cattle from other regions of the country.
Livestock raising is important with a total of 40,250 cows in 2006, of which 8,800 were milk cows.
Orcharding and livestock raising are also carried out, as is sericulture (silk farming).