Clothes made of pleated tiers seemed to have a life of their own, rising and falling in lively patterns as dancers and models jumped and turned.
His casual poet's shirt was in fact chosen to form the calm backdrop against which lively patterns play.
A similar pattern, only a bit more lively, occurs in the bass line in the beginning of the second section, which begins with the opening motif inverted.
Note the lively dot-dash-dot pattern of Flemish bond masonry: short brick ends (headers) alternating with longer brick sides (stretchers).
The second was a study in rhythm and space, with a sparse series of percussion thwacks evolving into a complicated, lively pattern that made effective use of quadraphonic imaging.
His painting features items from his collection of Fiestaware crockery against a background of lively patterns that represent his interest in jazz.
The lively patterns and clear, bright colors look great at the beach, but there is another reason for the prominence of prints.
Small flexed disks hang on, or are propped against, the wall, their surfaces perforated with pinholes and decorated with lively geometric patterns in colored ink washes.
From the polygon five irregular arms project, each bearing a lively abstract pattern and each ending in a simple geometric figure with an animal or floral emblem.
She scatters her words in lively patterns across the pages, as if addressing a cult of post-modern kiddies.