He was the lineal ancestor of all subsequent Habsburg Emperors.
"You're trying to tell me that this is not similar to an Earth-type horse, it is the lineal ancestor of an Earth-type horse?"
This house must be acquired by the Roth IRA owner, their spouse, or their lineal ancestors and descendants.
Matsuki's lineal ancestors had moved to southern Hokkaidō in the late 19th century.
Any person may display the arms of any lineal ancestor so long as one is honest about whose arms they were.
The record in the latter source may refer to a lineal ancestor, rather than an actual father.
In Austria, incest between lineal ancestors and descendants and between full siblings is prohibited.
Kōkaku is the lineal ancestor of all the succeeding emperors of Japan up to present monarch, Akihito.
For this reason, the single most active force insisting on this "wall of separation" were the dissident evangelical churches, the lineal ancestors of today's so-called religious right.
For lineal ancestors, this can be approximated by 10th degree consanguinity.