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Matsuki's lineal ancestors had moved to southern Hokkaidō in the late 19th century.
For lineal ancestors, this can be approximated by 10th degree consanguinity.
In Austria, incest between lineal ancestors and descendants and between full siblings is prohibited.
This house must be acquired by the Roth IRA owner, their spouse, or their lineal ancestors and descendants.
For this reason, the single most active force insisting on this "wall of separation" were the dissident evangelical churches, the lineal ancestors of today's so-called religious right.
Parents, children,grandparents,grandchildren,and other lineal ancestors and lineal descendants of the decedent,as of July 1, 2012, are exempt from taxation on the first $250,000 of inheritance.
The first claimed by modern Freemasons as the lineal ancestors of their own Charges relate to the self-organisation of masons as a fraternity with mutual responsibilities.
What a strange freak of human history it is that the Declaration of Independence should be among the lineal ancestors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights!
In its early years the group served "fraternal interests [of] women whose lineal ancestors served in the civil government, the army or the navy of the United States" between 1784 and 1815.
Subsequently, the Quintessons turned to pure robotics for their creations, and produced lines of consumer goods and military hardware robots-which would eventually become the lineal ancestors of the Autobots and Decepticons, respectively.
Marriage between 3rd degree relatives and beyond is allowed, with the exception of marriage involving lineal ancestors and descendants, which is considered null and void disregarding the degree of separation (parent/offspring, grandparent-grandchild).