His music appealed to the Hong Kong masses particularly the working class with its simple lyrics and light-hearted nature which was popular in Hong Kong music in the late 1970s.
O'Donnell was known for keeping a light-hearted nature during the show as she playfully interviewed her guests and interacted with her audience.
But it was a sort of light-hearted nature. . . . And now let's go to the 17th, because now the President is ready to share some additional information with Ms. Lewinsky.
As for the light-hearted nature of the spots, "There still has to be a way for people to have a little fun in the otherwise serious world in which we live," Mr. Nelson said.
You know that I cannot bear the sight of black; it reminds me, who am by nature joyous and light-hearted as a child, of melancholy things.
The show is aimed at pre-schoolers, and is of a light-hearted nature.
It is often, but not always, of a light-hearted nature.
The light-hearted rhythmic nature of the poem and its central comic stars seem at odds with the slightly darker underlying tone.
I realize and appreciate the light-hearted nature of Big League Stew.
It's all very light and airy-older, jaded gamers may scoff-but many will find themselves gleefully playing along with the light-hearted, easygoing nature of the game.