I'm wondering if forensics can lift prints from tattered and singed bits of paper.
With new skills to lift prints from irregular surfaces, the officers found clues that led them to 13 suspected burglars.
We were able to lift partial prints from many of these cases, as well as the others.
His voice was surprisingly deep: 'We've vacuumed the place, Lieutenant, finished with photographs, lifted what prints we could, all the rest of it.
"You said nothing to Inspector Cramer about lifting prints."
I can lift prints, take 'em back to L. A. to have someone take a look.
He looked around the room quickly, trying to decide which was a likely spot to lift prints.
He is said to hold the record for lifting prints, 478 over a day and half during an investigation of a 1973 bank burglary.
"You can lift prints from a bath towel?"
We're lifting prints from the house tomorrow, see if we can find out who she is.