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Grew is also considered to be one of the pioneers of dactyloscopy.
Forensic dactyloscopy is the study of fingerprints.
Already before World War I, the fingerprint analysis (dactyloscopy) and police dogs were introduced.
It's called dactyloscopy.
He became the director of the Center for Dactyloscopy in Buenos Aires.
Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy.
A year later, Alphonse Bertillon created a method of getting fingerprints off smooth surfaces and took a further step in the advance of dactyloscopy.
"Dactyloscopy," the man said "Repeat after me dactyloscopy."
Ivan Vučetić, the man who perfected dactyloscopy at the turn of the 20th century, came from Hvar island.
Vucetich improved his method with new material and in 1904 published Dactiloscopía Comparada ("Comparative Dactyloscopy").
Forensic Experts (Photography, Dactyloscopy, Ballistics, Polygraphy, Questioned Document Examination, etc.)
EURODAC, which stands for European Dactyloscopy, is the European fingerprint database for identifying asylum seekers and irregular border-crossers.
Over a sumptuous multi-course dinner at Delmonico's, the Isaacsons introduce Kreizler to new investigative techniques like anthropometry, the measurement of body parts, and dactyloscopy, the science of fingerprinting.
Fingerprint identification, known as dactyloscopy, or hand print identification, is the process of comparing two instances of friction ridge skin impressions (see Minutiae), from human fingers or toes, or even the palm of the hand or sole of the foot, to determine whether these impressions could have come from the same individual.