During the winter months, when trees lose their leaves, they let sunlight in to warm our homes.
"They don't let enough sunlight through for most plants."
A greenhouse has a transparent glass or plastic roof and walls that let sunlight in.
It clouded the window, letting only pallid sunlight through.
The fortress has 43 jail cells, 28 of them on the upper floor, where windows let the air and sunlight in.
A glass roof at the foot of the tower would let sunlight into a greenhouse growing fruits and vegetables in the church's attic.
Its roof opens at times to let sunlight in for the plants inside.
But ever since Plato let sunlight into the cave, pure stuff has gotten harder and harder to find.
A woodland lets sunlight to penetrate between the trees, so there is little shade.
When dikta cover themselves for warmth, their skin must let more sunlight through, or they die.