Last month the Court of Appeals refused to hear the case, letting the lower court's decision stand.
Neither side should let politics-as-usual stand in the way.
But legislators should let the court's decision stand.
After considering his options, Mr. Jackson decided to let the board's decision stand.
Instead, the Justices simply let the Ninth Circuit's decision stand.
We're rich because we wanted to be rich, we worked hard to make it happen, and we let very little stand in our way.
Libby's prison sentence was commuted by President Bush, who let the conviction and fine stand.
To cook the skinless, boneless fish wings, simply bring them to a boil, turning off the heat and letting stand for 5 minutes.
On April 1, the entire Fourth Circuit voted 8 to 5 to let the panel's astonishing decision stand.
"We cannot let political deadlock, or bureaucratic inertia, or outdated thinking stand in the way," the Secretary said.