But despite this, street killings do not cause revulsion against the way America is going, though they may more legitimately raise a question about the media than hate killings do because they more resemble Hollywood depictions.
In this way, students will derive the maximum possible benefit that the essay can deliver, which is to legitimately raise their chances of acceptance to their first choice college.
'Traders Won't Remember' "But the fact that they got pressured into doing something they didn't want to do will legitimately raise the question of whether they will do it again.
Will he agree the proper use of this time is seeking constructive scrutiny of the here and now in the best interests of the country and that we may legitimately raise concerns and should have meaningful exchange on any important issue?
Some opponents of the Stamp Act distinguished between "internal" taxes like the stamp duty, which they claimed Parliament had no right to impose, and revenue legitimately raised through the regulation on trade.
Despite all that has been written about his treatment of his leading ladies, she "cannot think of a single complaint I could legitimately raise."
"Brooklyn North" legitimately raises the issues that reality game shows like "Survivor" and "Big Brother" evoked in a hyped and bogus way.
You legitimately raise the concern of "small inventors" that "premature publication" gives away their secret if the application fails.
This debate concerns a vital question which increasing numbers of people are legitimately raising. What are the respective places of people and finance in today' s economy?
Your Parliament also legitimately raises the question of the financing of social security systems in Member States, within the context of economic and monetary union.