Curtis edged off second, well aware of Orosco's long leg swing in his delivery, how slowly he pitches a baseball.
Ms. Hayes, stunning and swivel-hipped in a long, undulating dance with wide leg swings, keeps asking Racine, "What do you remember?"
He did not practice his leg swing, with his foot angled down at the ball the way a golfer tilts his club.
Mothers hang on to the bars for stretches and leg swings, or push, trotting energetically behind them.
Utilizing the leg swing and some other pieces of her behavior would have been good choices to make.
Ms. Bradley, elegant in her long, flowing line, dances in profile with expansive leg swings.
With its wiggles, leg swings and shoulder shakes, "Kammerdisco," another new work, was disco dancing for ballet dancers.
On the course of bipedal walking, the leg swing results in an angular momentum that is balanced by the ground reaction moments on the stance foot.
One missed, nonetheless, the usual leg swing to the back in some of the turns.
That speedy leg swing flipped her from the floor, just as she was giving the trigger its third pull.