In a few days, or perhaps longer, the green shoot should start to push up and the leaves will spread.
As if compensating for the extra energy put into flower production, the leaves spread at a much slower rate than those on the species plant.
To dry herbs, strip the leaves from the stems and spread them on a cookie sheet or serving tray lined with paper towels.
The leaves are off our cherry tree, raked up and spread along the edge of the garden to melt into the soil over the winter.
The gray leaves on the willowlike trees had spread but not turned to the fuller green of summer, and the new leaves were but half-open.
Purple-black leaves spread from spiky centers like lengths of carpet.
Spiky leaves spread over round boles in a furry cap.
The leaves spread horizontally beneath the surface of the water, and are little more than a lattice-like skeletal network of veins with no tissue between.
The leaves are spathulate, or inversely lance-shaped, tufted and spread out just above ground level.
Chandra walked toward the plant, concentrating on its color, on the way the leaves spread themselves to the light, each parallel to all the others, as if the bush were arranged and lighted by some alien attention.