Also to implement the plan the WHO expects to provide guidelines, promote and monitor their use, and contribute to the adoption and implementation of international labor conventions.
Mr. Somavia argued that labor conventions and treaties have an important role.
This week's labor convention here was supposed to be a celebratory occasion marking the 50th anniversary of the merger.
Mr. Doyle was at a labor convention when the committee was introduced by Mr. O'Rourke last week.
It is rare for foreign officials to address labor conventions, much less raise their fist in solidarity with the union members.
Mr. Walesa's entrance at the labor convention was orchestrated much like a contemporary American political convention.
But White House advisers also said that since his re-election, Mr. Clinton has been less interested in attending heavily political events like labor conventions.
Those riots at the labor convention probably gave 'em another five points we don't show.
Union leaders agree that Mr. Gore will have the support of at least half the 1,000 delegates at the labor convention, which will be held on Oct. 10-13.
And he said he wanted a vote on proposals for change before the president's inauguration in January, instead of at the labor convention in July.